Making Medicare Manageable
Recovery Care
What is Recovery Care?
Assistance needed when recovering from an illness, accident or injury.
Rehabilitation from a Hospital Stay
Terminal Medical Condition
Do I have to go to a facility for Recovery Care?
No - you have several options including:
Skilled nursing facility
In-Home Assisted Care
Receive Out Patient Care in private practice or hospital
Doesn’t Medicare cover Recovery Care?
In some cases, yes. But research shows only 9% on average is covered by Medicare.
How do I decide what is the best plan for me?
Talk with your agent! We are licensed professionals that can help you design a plan that fits your needs and budget and give you the ease.
Is it likely I will need Recovery Care?
70% of seniors over 65 require some form of recovery care in their lifetime.*
Is it likely I will be there long?
The average patient is discharged after 270 days.** 79%of men and 74% of women stay in a nursing home less than ONE year.***
What does it usually cost for Recovery Care?
This depends on a lot of different factors but below are a few average figures****:
Semi Private Room: $5,940/month
Private Room: $6,570/month
Assisted Care Facility: $3,131/month
Home Health Aide: $5,040/month
Adult Day Health Care Center: $2,010/month
What are the options for paying for Recovery Care?
Privately, through your personal funds.
Medicare Supplement, which only pays what Medicare approves
Private Insurance, through a policy tailored to your needs and budget
*, **, ***, ***** (Monthly rate based on average daily rate times 30)